Title - Muzzle Off!
Chapter 1/??
Rating - R/NC-17
Pairing - Kurt/Finn Kurt/Puck
Disclaimer - Glee, and Trueblood and any other recognizable fandoms do not belong to me, but are the sole property of Fox and HBO yadda yadda yadda. We all know this by now.
Spoiler - Everything, to be safe
Summary - Finn shows up unexpectedly, after missing for 2 yrs.
Warnings: AU, dark themes, various kinks, Drug use, probably more
Note: I'm gonna need an Author tag and all that good stuff. Sort of a Fill for my own prompt
http://puckurt.livejournal.com/970926.html?thread=23949230#t23949230 and
way_to_the_end 's
http://puckurt.livejournal.com/970926.html?thread=24479662#t24479662. Apologies for the unpretty links