Benfay - Part 1b: A BTSB Story

May 29, 2011 01:20

Title: Benfday: Part 1A - A BTSB Story
Author: Dri
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, past Sam/Kurt
Rating: a light R
Word Count: ~2320 words
Genre: AU, Future Fic, mentions of past mpreg
Summary: Because it’s a new benfday, and the past should remain in the past where it doesn’t hurt… too much.
Disclaimer: They are so not mine, but I gotta keep Ben for myself!
Author’s note: It’s Benfday; enough said. It’s Benfday; enough said. I foresee four parts for this story, and I'll do my best to post one chapter per week. So please bear with me for a little while, k? Still unbetaed, so sorry for any possible mistakes. And remember that feedback is loved, cherished and framed!


Link to the story -

author: dri_br, series: btsb!verse, r, multipart wip

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