Fanfic: Starvation Sucks (1/1)

May 17, 2011 11:17

Title: Starvation Sucks
Author: Ptera Waters
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt (mainly), Kurt/Blaine (also shown)
Genre: smut, drama, romance, one-shot
Warning: explicit slash
Spoilers: All aired episodes (i.e. season 2)
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, at all
Author Notes: Written for this prompt by antarprince  and was posted over there a few days ago. I thought the rest of you might want to see it :)
Summary:  Kurt’s condition has never been a problem before, but Blaine’s gone for the summer and Kurt gets hungry. Who could he possibly go to for help?
Word Count:  7000
Kurt felt horrible...

oneshot, nc-17, author: pterawaters

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