Benfday, a Prelude - A BTSB Story

May 14, 2011 19:23

Title: Benfday: A Prequel- A BTSB Story
Author: Dri
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, past Sam/Kurt
Rating: a light R
Word Count: ~1350 words
Genre: AU, Future Fic, mentions of past mpreg
Summary: A lesson in tooth brushing and happiness on the eve of Ben's birthday party.
Disclaimer: They are so not mine, but I gotta keep Ben for myself!
Author's note: Another story in this verse I hadn't really planned, but after listening to this beautiful song by Marisa Monte - - I just couldn't resist. If it gets too sugary, what I do believe it will, try the Spongebob toothpaste afterwards; my youngest nephew used to love it when he was Ben's age. Still unbetaed, so sorry for any possible mistakes. And remember that feedback is loved, cherished and framed!


Link to fic -

author: dri_br, series: btsb!verse, oneshot, r

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