Title: Higher Education, 15/?
Author: knittycat99
Rating: R for mild sexual innuendo
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, with appearances in this part by Burt, Carol, Finn, and Noah's mom and sister
Genre: romance, with a fair dose of family in this part
Warning: AU, Futurefic
Spoilers: Nopety nope nope nope
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, I only borrow them from Fox. Song lyrics are borrowed from Rob Thomas.
Author Notes: I'm going to start by posting regularly on Saturdays or Sundays. That way, I'll have more time to write during busy weeks.
Summary: It's graduation week and moving day
Word Count: 1,873
previous chapters can be found
HERE Their lives were kind of in chaos, their apartment a maze of packing boxes.