Title: Sit Down and Take in The Clichés
Author: Memé (Glamstarwee)
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt (Puck/OCs)
Genre: Romance, fantasy, humor.
Spoilers: Season two (this is mildly AU, though)
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, and will probably never be.
Author Notes: This was written for hellolover11, who wanted vampire!Puck.
Summary: When he gets to school, everyone -jocks and geeks and Cheerios and dorks alike- parts like the red sea to let him through (it would’ve made him feel like a total stud before, but right now the stench of fear and the tight ways everyone is holding themselves when he passes by them are making him jittery).
Word Count: 8,550 total (3,550 this part)
Part one,
part two Sit Down and Take in The Clichés