Infinito Particular - BTSB!Verse

Mar 06, 2011 07:08

Title: Infinito Particular
Author: Dri
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, past Sam/Kurt
Rating: NC17
Word Count:~2615
Genre: AU, Future Fic, fluff with a dash of Puck's angsty towards the end.
Summary: Noah had a family; he just wanted it to grow.
Disclaimer: They are so not mine, but I get to keep Ben for myself!
Author’s note:Hi there! Back to my btsb!verse, but I think it can be read as a stand alone. Still unbeta-ed; all mistakes are mine. Oh, and this fic is in English, so don't worry.
Comments are framed, cherished and loved!

Link to the fic -

author: dri_br, series: btsb!verse, oneshot, nc-17

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