Title: 'Ya Thought An Angel (Swept Ya Off Your Feet)Part One/Two
Author: freeiheitpisarz
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, New Directions. Kurt/Sam slash, eventual Puckurt slash
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Warning: Swearing, graphic sex, underage sex
Spoilers: Season one, season two
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee, nor do I own any of Adam Lambert's songs or any other songs mentioned in this fic.
Word Count: 2505/7117
Author’s Note: The Adam Lambert performance was supposed to be at the end of I Want You, but then I got the Puck/Kurt confrontation scene in my head and the Sam/Kurt scene after that and it grew from there. I’m not all that good at choreography. Also, this was originally longer but I decided to make the extra bit a sequel if anyone wants to read it.
Summary: Sequel to I Want You To Notice (When I’m Not Around). After quitting Glee, Kurt goes from unpopular to dizzying heights of popularity. Unfortunately, what goes up must come down.
I Want You To Notice (When I'm Not Around) Link to my journal