Title: Supernova (1/2) Rating: R Length: 5,000+ on this one Summary: The glee girls return to Lima for a special occasion. Note: It's based on the Mr. Hudson song "Supernova," which has been on repeat on my ipod for the past week.
i actually feel really bad for Finn...but then my guilty feelings for accepting the cheating ways of Faberry is explained away with the rationalization that this is just a fic ;-)
and i am looking forward for more Faberry sexytimes =)
Holy Motherfaberry. Team Quinn.ALL THE WAY.Hope you post the second part today cause we need a)more faberry sexy times b)rachel eloping away with quinn. Now if you'll exuse me i'll go take a COLD shower.Or two.
Comments 10
and i am looking forward for more Faberry sexytimes =)
So very happy your writing another story. So very, very happy.
Team Quinn.ALL THE WAY.Hope you post the second part today cause we need a)more faberry sexy times b)rachel eloping away with quinn.
Now if you'll exuse me i'll go take a COLD shower.Or two.
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