Oct 13, 2005 15:30
Ok, i have a plan and a list of things i need to get done ASAP to put myself in a better place mentaly.
1: Get a job
2: Get drivers license again
3: Get an apartment
4: Get a car
These are the four major things that need to get done. And just a few minutes ago I got off the phone with my new boss. So number one is down. I'm getting ready to call the DMV about what i need to do to renue my license and then im going to borrow a car from a couple possible friends and get my license by the end of next week. So 2 down 2 to go. The last two are going to be the hard ones but at this point what else do i have to lose. So its all or nothing.
There is also a few things that i have been wanting to do for some time now. And i made them into a list. And i want to have them ALL started or done by the end of 6 months. And they are:
1: Learn to play the guitar (starting that today)
2: Start meditateing again (also starting today)
3: Write 2 songs for the guitar even though i cant sing worth a damn, besides no one will prolly want to hear them but me anyway lol.
4: Go to Idaho *shiver* and see my old friend David, and my family. (especialy since my grandma's health is getting worse and she might not be around for too much longer. And that im doing in about 3 weeks)
5: Start a fund raiser for SMYRC and donnate 100% of the profits that i get to them. (time to give back to the place i have gotten so much from. How im going to do this and what my $$$ goal is i have yet to decide. I have to talk to a few people for some support and ideas. Dont ask people this is just something i have to do)
6: Stop smokeing (i got good news that ill explain in a minute)
7: Start writeing poetry again (its been too long)
8: Read 5 books to expand my knowledge (im not stupid but i couldn't hurt. I'd like to thank my sis for recomending this to me)
9: *and last but not least* Learn to stop trying to take care of EVERYONE i know. (i'm sorry guys, your all realy good friends and i would love it if i could wave a magic wand and make all your problems go away but i cant. I need to admit this to myself. I need to stop worrying about loseing people. Im getting a tattoo on my arm as a memorial to the close friends that have died in the past. And i relize that i try and take care of everyone because i dont want the list to grow. But no matter what i do i have to realize that life is life and if it is your time to go the in the end there is nothing i can do about it)
So thats just the 2 lists i have made. The top one is in order of priority the secound one is in no real order.
Now as for the good news, My doctor wants me to come in for a physical ( i hate these ) next week and he says the he might have some realy good news for me. I talked to him over the phone for about 30min yesterday talking about the physical things i have been up to and the lack of hear/lung episodes i've been haveing. And i told him about stoping the meds he gave me. He was a little po'd but i told him they were makeing me feel worse. Then he said i shouldn't skip my check ups. (for those that dont know i skiped my last one) So I promised him i would go to see him next week. So im crossing my fingers and hopeing for some good news. Well, as you can see i have a lot to do so ill see you all later.