The Fourth Law of Thermodynamics

Sep 04, 2010 21:59

Title: The Fourth Law of Thermodynamics

Author: puckkit

Rating: NC-17

Pairing/Character: Ariadne/girl!Yusuf (now named Yasmin), Eames/Arthur, hinted Cobb/Saito

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or the movie Inception, therefore all of this is false and made up from my charmingly eccentric imagination.

Author's Notes: Written for this prompt at the inception_kink meme. It's a High School AU with zombiehunting!Ariadne, girl!Yusuf (now named Yasmin), some Eames!Ariadne best friend snark, swearing, some TERRIBLE chemistry pick-up lines (thank you, internet) and a side of girl porn. Just because I can.

“Jesus,” Ariadne swore, “shit is really messed up out there.” She stripped off her outer coat, covered in whatever it is zombie’s bleed out when they’re dying, and resisted her natural urge to throw it wherever, instead hanging it up on the convenient hooks located beside the chemistry lab doors.

Yasmin mumbled an affirmative, not even looking up from her Petri dish of... something. Ariadne took a moment to consider the other girl. Yasmin was... cute, in a way. And that wasn’t something that Ariadne normally went for, but she was going for it now. Maybe it was the confidence, or the nerdy love of science. Not that nerdy science love was particularly attractive.

Could just be the boobs, Ariadne reminded herself, pulling out a stool across from Yasmin. Whatever it was, she was down.

“Are you guys making out in there? I really, really hope you ... oh,” Eames flew through the doorway and frowned in mock disappointment. “Well, this is unfortunate. Yasmin, I thought you were into chemistry.”

Yasmin frowned up at him, pushing her oversized glasses up. “I am...?”

“Then you should know that according to the second law of thermodynamics, you’re supposed to share your hotness with Ariadne.”

Yasmin blushed but Arthur, who had followed Eames into the room, gave a slight smile.

“Don’t you have homework to do, Eames?” Ariadne questioned, chin in hand. “And you, Arthur, shouldn’t you be reading up on the recent undead remobilization around places of worship? I’m disappointed in you two.”

“Darling,” Eames pouted, “no need to be like that. Just because you want to work on Yasmin’s leucine zipper with your zinc fingers doesn’t mean you get to be cruel to your partner.”

She looked even hotter when she blushed, Ariadne thought, distractedly. As she was staring at Yasmin, Arthur had hooked on to Eames and was leading him towards the door with promises of “if you get enough work done tonight, you can put your alpha helix in my beta barrel”. Not wanting to know what that meant but knowing she had work to do, Ariadne made to leave as well.

“Are you... I mean, are you leaving? Now?” Yasmin had pulled away from her microscope and was watching Ariadne cautiously, remnants of the blush still visible on her neck.

Ariadne was having decidedly impure thoughts about chasing that blush down her neck and into her t-shirt with her mouth. She pushed them aside with effort. “I have homework to do too, but if I wouldn’t disturb you, I’d like the company?”

Yasmin blinked. “You mean, stay? And work here, with me?”

Taking that as an affirmative, Ariadne jumped back up on the stool she had just vacated and took her books out of her bag. She shot a smile at the other girl as she pulled out her pen.
Yasmin tentatively smiled back.


“So, you taking Yasmin to prom?” Eames’ eyebrows waggled suggestively as they walked into the cafeteria for lunch.

She glared at him as food was scooped onto their plates. “Do you have a pathological condition that requires you to know every single detail of my life? Because if not, then maybe you should mind your own business.”

“No need for the snark, darling,” he replied mildly, waiting for her as she grabbed napkins. “Curious minds need to know.”

“Well curious minds can fu-“

“Hello Arthur!” Arthur looked up and gave a quick nod in greeting as they approached his table. He gave the papers in his hand one last look before passing them over his shoulder to the small, brown haired boy who was standing behind him. Without looking back, Arthur put his hand out and waited until the boy put a twenty dollar bill in it and scurried away.

“Still scamming the system, I see,” Eames smiled easily as he sat beside Arthur and across from Ariadne.

“I’m just taking advantage of the opportunities presented to me, as my education has taught me to do all along,” Arthur remarked, pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket and adding the 20 to the pile before stuffing it back into his pocket. “Are you asking Yasmin to the prom?”

“Seriously?” She slammed her fork down on the table. “None of your business, either of you,” she pointed her fork first at Arthur, then Eames, “and if I get word that either of you is even thinking to ask Yasmin about any of this, I will be the first to learn how to lobotomize someone with a fork. And you two will be my test subjects. Are we clear?”

Eames only grinned and put his hands up in mock defence while Arthur looked mildly concerned. Before he could say anything, though, Yasmin came up behind them and set her tray down next to Ariadne.

“Everything Ok, you guys?” she frowned, pushing her oversized glasses further up her nose. Ariadne choked back a noise of arousal and Eames grinned like the cat who got the canary.

“Never been better, darling. Now c’mon, Arthur, I believe you and I have some... business to take care of in the bathroom.”

Arthur frowned, “Really? I was thinking we could talk to-“

“Now,” Eames grumbled as he grabbed Arthur by the arm and marched him out of the cafeteria.

“Those boys are so weird,” Ariadne mumbled as she went back to her food. Yasmin nodded thoughtfully in agreement and followed suit.


Besides getting texts all through class ranging from:

“ur hawt, wanna go 2 prm?” from Robert, to

“(1/3)Seriously, we have to hunt zombies TONIGHT? Arthur and I have a date. You know how hard it is to get”
“(2/3) Arthur away from his schoolwork? Friggin hard! Just because you’re not getting any” “(3/3)doesn’t mean we should all suffer, you know.”

Ariadne did, actually, get some notes taken and some homework done. Robert was easy to avoid, for all his suave texting knowledge he was still male, desperate and most definitely not her type. Eames, on the other hand, was a force of nature and therefore unavoidable.

“Seriously? Tonight? C’mon, Ariadne, I know you don’t hate me this much,” He whined, leaning against the lockers as she dialed up her combination.

“You’d be wrong there, but I’m not doing this out of a dormant hatred that only emerges in the form of making you kill rabid undead on date night.” She exchanged her books and shut the door sharply, leaning it against it, mirroring Eames’ pose. She adopted a gentler voice.

“Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, Eames. Like eat dulse or kick puppies or spend some time with your best friend killing dead things that don’t want to stay dead. Of those three options, I think the third is clearly the most preferable. I’ll see you at eight. Sharp.”

With that she turned away, slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked briskly down the hallway, ignoring his faint “but wait, what’s dulse?”


“I could be home right now, cuddling with my boyfriend, getting a fantastic blow-“

“Will you shut the hell up for two goddamn seconds? I’m trying to concentrate!”

It’s not as though Ariadne really wanted to be there either, after all. She could be laying in bed after a nice hot bubble bath, her own hands on her skin, day dreaming about gorgeous dark eyes and a dark blush, glasses and those hands...

This was all Eames’ fault anyway. He went left when he should’ve gone right and now they were back to back and surrounded by at least twenty zombies. She should definitely have taken two knives, why did she think one would be enough?

And was he seriously still going on? She really did not need to hear more about Arthur’s ass, or his ability to give blow jobs, or... was that even possible?

“Eames! Fuck!”

But just then, when she was about to lay the smack down on him verbally and then maybe do a little ass kicking on the threatening undead, her brother showed up and saved the day. And, apparently (according to Eames whispering in her ear) looked hot while doing it.

“Seriously, Ariadne, one knife? What were you thinking?”

Dom looked pretty pissed, which was understandable considering the circumstances. And the fact that Vampire Diaries was on tonight and she was pretty sure he was obsessed with one, if not both, of the vampire brothers on the show. Plus, she thought that maybe Saito was supposed to come over and... oh. Yeah.

She waved at Saito who nodded back demurely, from a safe distance away.

“Sorry, Dom," She apologized awkwardly. "It was all Eames’ fault, though.”

Dom rolled his eyes and looked at her. “Obviously. But you know better than to not account for that when you’re planning your hunt. You’re smarter than that.”

Somehow Dom had the ability to make her feel lower than a cockroach’s belly with a sentence and a look. Someday she hoped to have that ability too. For now though she nodded and Eames followed her into the house.

Her only appeasement was that Eames looked equally as demoralized.

Served him right.


“You going to ask her today?” Arthur asked her as she slid into the seat beside him for their first class. Right. Today was prom day, and prom night followed quite abruptly afterwards.

“You heard about how my night went and you’re still going to ask me these inane questions that I’m pretty sure I expressly discouraged last time you asked?”

He looked at her, wide eyed but brave. Figured.

She sighed.

“I don’t know. Maybe. We’ll see. Now leave me alone, I have to actually do well in this class unlike some of us.”

Arthur just shrugged and turned towards the front. It was basically impossible to guilt him, she thought bitterly. A normal human would feel bad for causing her distress.

Not her friends.


It wasn’t until the end of the day that she found herself alone with Yasmin. Naturally, in the chemistry lab, where Ariadne was perhaps the least comfortable.

Nevertheless, she was a goddamn zombie hunter who also had acceptable marks, a kickass vocabulary and was pretty hot (if stalker Robert was anything to go by). Right.

“Hey Yasmin?”

Said girl looked up from fiddling with her Bunsen burner, blushing slightly.

Confidence quickly returning, Ariadne walked over to lean across the desk and smile her best “I’m charming and badass at the same time, just try not to jump me” smile. From the wide eyed look she got in return, paired with Yasmin biting her lip, Ariadne was pretty sure she succeeded.

“Wanna go to prom with me?”

Ok, now the wide eyes, mad blinking, and biting of the lip looked a little less promising. But Ariadne was a pro, she could work with it, so she reached across the desk and gave the other girls wrist a gentle caress. It was ruined by Yasmin jerking her hand away as if it had been burnt and then flushing bright from her cheeks all the way down her neck.

Yasmin fiddled with her glasses. Ariadne forced herself not to look anywhere but the other girls eyes. It was an extremely difficult task.

Finally, Yasmin responded with a shaky, “Yes... yes, of course. I’d love to. That is to say, I’d really like, love, yes. Ok.”

Ariadne allowed herself a mental fist pump, gave Yasmin one last smile that promised a lot more than the previous, and walked out of the room. Remembering that she hadn’t actually gotten any directions or times, she quickly backtracked and popped her head back in.

“Ok, so, 7pm? Text me your address? And, sleeveless or sleeves?”

Yasmin blinked. It didn’t help, as the lack of understanding wasn't due to any visual cues.

“Nevermind, who wears sleeves nowadays anyway? See you at 7!”

She blinked again, slower.

She was going to prom.


With Ariadne.

She made sure to wait until Ariadne had surely left the hallway before she ran all the way home.


“You look gorgeous,” Ariadne grinned as Yasmin opened the door and stepped outside. “What, no meeting the parents? That’s cool, it’s pretty cliché anyway.”

“I figured that sort of thing should be avoided ‘til the second date.”

Ariadne found a slow smile creeping up on her. “Was that a joke? I knew you were funny, it’s just that Eames is always around to steal the show.”

Yasmin smiled back tentatively and pushed her glasses up. She was wearing a simple lavender dress and sandals. Her curls were tied up and back, out of the way, and she had elected to avoid make up as it only ended up smudged against her glasses anyway. Contacts were both unnecessary and out of the question.

Ariadne was dressed in a short red dress with black lace trimming, her hair pulled up in a simple ponytail and the black heels on her feet made her somewhat taller, but still shorter than Yasmin.

“Oh, here,” Ariadne dug around in her clutch and pulled out a white carnation wrist corsage. She put out her hand and waited for Yasmin to place her hand in it before Ariadne carefully pulled the corsage past her fingers and onto her wrist. “Perfect.”

Yasmin couldn’t have agreed more.


“Darling, darlings, you’re both looking fabulous this evening,” Eames leaned over to kiss Ariadne on the cheek muttering, “if you don’t tap that, I’ll be severely disappointed.” Ariadne discreetly stepped down hard on his insole and he pulled away with a grimace.

Yasmin thanked him and grabbed for Ariadne’s hand, pulling her towards the punch. Surprised, Ariadne let herself be pulled, pausing only to give Eames the finger over her shoulder. “I, you, do you want to dance?” Yasmin asked, hiding her face behind the cup of punch. Ariadne smiled and pulled the cup away, pulling in close to her personal space.

“With you? Of course I do.”

Eames and Arthur joined them not long after and they danced up a storm, laughing and joking. They even took turns dancing with each other, although Eames and Ariadne nearly ended up in a fistfight with Arthur cutting in to quickly waltz Ariadne away after Eames danced a little too close with Yasmin.

After a time, though, Ariadne pulled Yasmin away from the crowd to head to the bathroom for a moment’s peace. “So... how’s it going?” She asked, distracted by a drop of sweat currently heading for the space between Yasmin’s breasts.

“I... is..,” She didn’t get to finish the thought because Ariadne was busy pushing her gently towards a bathroom stall, through the doorway and up against the now-closed door, locking it quickly.

“Is this Ok?” Ariadne murmured, nuzzling at the other girl’s throat. When she heard no response, she forced herself away and gently took hold of Yasmin’s glasses, pulling them off her face, putting them in her purse and setting it on the floor before giving her a soft kiss.

“I’m serious, tell me to stop and I’ll stop.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” Yasmin breathed, hands coming up to pull Ariadne’s hair out of its elastic, digging her fingers through the strands. Ariadne pushed her hips against the other girl and went in for a soft kiss that rapidly grew harder.

Ariadne let her lips skim down Yasmin’s throat, licking the space between her collarbones before pulling her dress down enough so that the full breasts appeared. Yasmin was gasping slightly and Ariadne took that as a good sign as she licked and nipped at them, let her hands press on them before her tongue ran back up her neck and settled at the corner of her jaw.

“Hold on,” Ariadne grinned, lightly running her hands down the sides of her dress as she fell to her knees. She gave in to the urge to look back up one more time, needing to have that image of Yasmin with her head thrown back, hands caught in Ariadne’s hair, her own black curls splayed out against the stall door.

Satisfied, she set about to doing what she’d been thinking about doing ever since she met Yasmin.

She let her hands leisurely slide up the front of Yasmin’s thighs, under her dress, and take hold of the hem of her panties. Slowly, ever so slowly, she pulled them down until they were at knee level and Yasmin was fidgeting with frustration. She carefully pulled them off from around the other’s sandals and then let her mouth follow the trail her hands had made, licking her way up her inner thigh and towards the heat.

Her mouth lingered on the edge of Yasmin’s thigh as her fingers gently explored the soft curls. Yasmin let out a quiet gasp and the fingers in Ariadne’s hair tightened. Ariadne grinned and took the hint, carefully licking at the folds and her clitoris, experimenting to see exactly how hard and where Yasmin liked it. She let her fingers explore her opening, paused them right at the cusp, and tongued her clit hard.

It didn’t take much before she could feel Yasmin coming, the hands in her hair tightened to the point of pain before she quickly let off as Ariadne made a quiet noise of surprise. Yasmin pulled her up, panting, and Ariadne pushed herself close and let them both lean on the wall. She was still incredibly hot and aching for friction, but she could wait. She had plans, and as good as Ariadne knew she was with spontaneity, she knew her plans were always so much better.

“Want to come home with me?” Ariadne asked, giving her ear a little lick. “Our parents are away so it’s only my brother and I.”

She felt the nod against her neck and grinned, letting her arms fully enfold the other girl. Yasmin pulled Ariadne’s lips back to hers and gave her a hard, teeth-filled kiss. Ariadne would’ve stumbled back but Yasmin held her tight. “I give as good as I get, you know,” She mumbled against her lips and kissed her again.

I might love this girl, Ariadne thought with a smile as she fished out the glasses and placed them back on Yasmin’s now-blushing face.


When they were once again presentable, they went back out to inform the boys they were heading home. Eames gave them a cheeky grin and slung his arm around Ariadne’s waist.

“Y’know, I don’t think you should be hoarding the wealth, ladies. You two are hotter than sulphur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate.”

Arthur gave Yasmin a kiss on the cheek before she walked over to Ariadne, who grabbed for her hand.

“Oh Eames, why the electronegativity?” Ariadne raised an eyebrow, extracting herself from his arm. “You know you’re the photon quanta to my valence electron. You excite me to a higher energy level.”

“Just... not the way she does, and our way is so much more fun." Ariadne winked at Eames and blew Arthur a kiss. "Good night, you two.”

Yasmin waved and they walked off, hand in hand.

Eames rolled his eyes and pulled a displeased Arthur to him. “Don’t worry darling, you’re the only one who can make my atomic number rise. And what are we going to do about that...”

“We’re already dating, you can lay off the lame pick-up lines,” Arthur grumbled as they headed outside, “besides, you’re more special than relativity. And I don’t mean that in a good way.”

Eames paused, pulling back to look at the other boy before shrugging and resuming his pace.


arthur, eames, ariadne, dom, inception, girl!yusuf, saito

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