Open for sign ups June 9 to June 22 on
LJ, or
tumblr This is awesome and need more people participating! I signed up as an individual writer for now, but if anyone in the Merlin, Teen Wolf or Les misérables fandom wants to participate as a podficcer you can totally contact me and we can participate as a group, or I don't care don't participate with me just sign up because it's awesome! (I could never work in communication I'm so bad at this ahah)
So yeah, I'll write any thing in those fandoms, I can also write in French, I think writing something a bit different than usual fic would be interesting, like a lot of dialogues, or sound effects, that kind of stuff. I can also write in French - that would be the most fun with a non-native french speaker because it would be more challenging for both of us I think, but anyone and anything is fine. I'm so excited, it's going to be AWESOME! (Wait-- I said that already. But it's still true!)