First! After wondering for about half an hour how was “ograniczony” in English (which is “restricted”), I've come to a conclusion that I have to keep on working on my skills in English. So from now on I will be writing here in English, though I know so far only Polish speaking people are reading my LJ XD Sorry for the commotion.
After some crazy events that took place at the end of year 2010, I've finally managed to settle most of things and find some time to write here. My thoughts and conclusions about last year will be in the next note. Now I'll describe this surrealistic state of mind that you can get, when, from various reasons, you happen to be banned from the computer.
Around three weeks before Christmas my old laptop reached the final stage of agony (it broke down XD). Because I'm rather “reserved on spending money”, it took me a while to find a new nice and not-tragically-expensive model.
Well, when you have no computer by your side and naturally your access to the Internet is also restricted, first thing you realize is - you cannot operate without a computer! O.o Seriously, I had a lot of difficulties to explain one of my tutors why I couldn't check moodle account for almost a week and couldn't print his God damn exercises for the next classes == I've always been checking news and weather on the Internet... then it was like “OMG there's no tomorrow!” XD
Second thing you realize during your rehab from Internet abuse is that you suddenly have so much free time, that you don't know what to do with yourself XD I've started watching TV! I've started solving crosswords puzzles! I've started making weird pics with my mobile camera XD
(I hate pigeons == stupid dirty birds which turn our balcony into something between brothel, kindergarten and toilet...).
And the weirdest - I've turned a kitchen into alchemist laboratory XD
If you're hungry don't read it XD
Food! Actually, I pretty much like cooking and experimenting with changing recipes. Here is a record of my latest ideas XD
Winter is a time of soups... or something. Actually I prepare lots of soups, because I have to use up a packet of boullion cubes XDDDD
My first attempt to make an egg soup. It was made with soba noodles.
One of my favourite soups! Very spicy tomato soup with chicken meat. Perfect when it's cold outside and you have to warm up :P
See? A bowl agrees it's good XD
Some weird experiment with composing sukiyaki and egg soup (but it wasn't bad XD)
Leftovers' soup XD No really XD Again it's a variation of egg soup. This time egg was mixed with a small amount of flour (so it was a little bit like a noodle, lane kluski, or whatever XD) Oh and it was with nori, because I had one sheet and had to do something with it XD
And here's sushi XD
And a little attempt to make karaage XD
But now everything turned back to normal... or so I hope. I have my new fantastic, red lenovo Thinpad Edge. I can sit on the internet and keep wasting my free time :3