Not allowed to write new fic until I finish responding to comments. So if you left one in the past couple months (HOLY SHIT I SUCK) and are now finally getting a response, I'm sorry I slacked so hard. I have a tendency to open the notification, flail/squee, and then get easily distracted by my flist/other shiny things. Bad Rachel.
I'm cutting myself off at the one month mark (SERIOUSLY SELF WTF) so if I owe you anything and you don't get a response, let me know.
Also, I don't even know how* but my "to write" file is now up to 30 ideas/snippets.
*(I'm totally blaming
playthefool and
cecilylee for encouraging me ♥)
ETA: Two hours later and most of Jackass 2, I'm done \o/ Poke me if I missed anything. Bedtime now ♥