ROFLMAO~! PuriPuri D was SOOOOOOO RANDOM~~~~~~~! <3<3<3<3 *dies* TOTALLY random~~~~!! roflmao, I was totally screaming with laughter (good thing I'm home alone...) when Sakamoto-sama was doing this weeeeeiiiiird speach and afterwards did the JENKA with three other guys. I mean.... THE JENKA!!!!!! THE MOST POINTLESS DANCE EVER~~~! *dies*
and the SYNCRO-CLUB~~~~! *dies* that's SOOOOOOO Waterboy parody... *dies*
And the heart-patterned handkerchief~~~! GYAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!
LMAO, when Miko-chan was trying to ************, Sakamoto-sama was soooo cruel~~~! XDXD and he didn't even realize that what he was saying was totally cruel either~! sooo kawaiiiiiii~~~~! <3<3
Sakamoto-sama and Tohru were soooo cute~~~! *dies* REALLY~~~! Sakamoto-sama was soooo thin, and cute and.... <3<3<3<3<3 *dies* TRULY molestable..... *____* *nosebleeds an ocean* And Tohru~~~~~~~~!! KAWAIIIIII~~~~~~~~~~~! *dies again*
Yuujiroh was a bit disappointing... he wasn't really that cute. he was too boyish~~!
butbut~~! the coooooooolest, best thing of all was the OPENING theme~~~!!
some snaps I took. just to share the fanservice~! <3 kyaaa~~~!
can't really say who it is, though..... Miko and Tohru..? The hair is too short to be Yuujiroh, right...? and I don't think it's Sakamoto-sama.... >_< dunno~~~!
Shin: sorry about this idiot here.... -_____-;;