Apr 01, 2004 14:52
Hello. Comp studs yet again. Tapioca-head's teaching. Excel.
Like, Excel?! We learnt that in school in like, Primary 3! Tapioca-head keeps pronouncing ' sheet' as ' shit'. Haha.
Sorry to bore everyone with my absolutely yawn-worthy accounts of my aboslutely boring computer studies lessons in my aboslutely mundane school life.
Haha. Tapioca pronounced ' aprostrophe' as ' aplaustrophee'. The whole class is sniggering. Poor tapioca-head. '''''''''''
Nothing's much been happening latelyyy. My life is one boring sea of homework and tests.
Footdrill later. I hate footdrill. And to think I signed up to take part in the national day parade. We'll be having footdrill sessions every weekend till August until like, 9PM at night. o0 I DIEEEEE.
This lesson is stupid. We're actually spending one whole lessons entering numbers into Excel. No calculations or anything. Just transferring stuff from one document into another. :\ I'm not complaining, though! >< XAnd after we're done with the transferring we get to do ANNNNNYTHING we want to do. Yayness! ^^
I can't even remember the URL of my blog. Everytime I want to go there I have to go to Google and type in ' lifejournal puchini' (it brings me to my old blog, btw). x_X
This should be it, I guess. Quite a looong entry liao. :)