
Oct 24, 2010 12:57

So i realize this might sound shallow and gabby, but I'm coming to realize a major pet peeve at art school/DA/etc.

People drawing themselves exaggeratedly beautiful/sexy/skinny. I've totally done that before, I won't lie. But I really can't stand it on DA when people "draw themselves" as a skinny little stick with subtle hips. BE REALISTIC or you won't be taken seriously. If you have some meat on your bones, be proud of it and DRAW IT! Otherwise you're just drawing your ideals, not yourself.

On the same respect though, don't underwhelm people by making yourself look like a beast. But it doesn't hurt to have some humor when you make a portrait.

So, basically, I have a toosh and I will be sure to draw it. I don't love my imperfections, but I would never hide it or pretend it isn't a part of me. Try to do the same.
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