
Apr 20, 2008 23:12

I was blessed, recently, to have the rare experience of gathering my most loved and treasured companions and surrounding us with the most beautiful spring blooms Los Angeles could offer. And what's even more rare, I was able to [even if only for a second before I was caught] capture the beauty in digital form.

Breakfast this morning came five hours after I greeted my day. It consisted of the untraditional breakfast foods: Vegan Chili and tea that'd been iced and flavoured to resemble the taste of raspberries[though its fragrance was more reminiscent of Robitussin and the sort.]

Eric is a gentleman who works the kitchen that shares the space with the bookstore I spend 6 hours of my day at. He gives me bags of organic grapefruit and shares stories of local transient mishaps. He hates his glasses. If he only knew how envious those of us who aren't prescribed with a lens type are of his "kind." The day I met him I was frantic and donning a crimson fedora adorned with a feather shed from the tail of a house parrot. He offered me a cigarette to calm my nerves and I ungratefully accepted and disappeared in the heat of the kitchen. He says that part of the meeting does not reside in his mind. He is sweet.

I've always had an adoration for imperfection, and the area in which I find imperfections to be most beautiful is in the eyes. I remember growing up with a dear friend who bore a perfectly sized birthmark in her left eye. I work with a confident, yet modest gentleman who wears symmetrical freckles in his eyes. He hasn't the slightest clue how fortunate he is. In my later years, I encountered those whose Pupils had thought outside their box and invaded the Iris. Beautiful. And then there are those like David Bowie and Kate Bosworth who exhibit two separate colours in each Iris. A beautiful young girl works in the dinning area with me. She is not only blessed with this rare array of colours but her Pupils invade her Iris almost as though they are reaching towards one another from across her face. Absolutely stunning.

I met two dogs with the prettiest eye colour combinations, the other morning when I volunteered at the Humane Society on a whim. They are sisters. Chloe and Colette. The most docile and sincere canines I have encountered in a long time. They are miniature in stature by comparison to others of their many Breeds. [Labrador & Grey Hound and a few other combinations in their mix] But powerful nonetheless. I ran side by side with each one at a time. They gave me kisses.



Shortly after I rescued them, these babies bonded the only way baby kitties know how

A man came into work today and photographed my boss. I enjoyed watching him in all his modesty.

For someone so successful, he blushes in the spotlight

Bonding in the presence of City issued Graffiti

The heat the past days began to dry out my soul. My body belongs in water. Brian is good to provide such luxuries as bodies of water and Tiki sculptures of foam

A true princess, she drinks and eats from martini glasses


Babies were born the proceeding day of Easter. Three of them. Then only two. They are FitzPatrick and Calla Lily. They recently opened their eyes to show the world their knowing beauty, and even more recently, have ventured out of their birthing box.

animals, photography, work

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