Feb 26, 2006 01:09
One of these days I'll post all my back entries that are currently sitting on my powerbook.
Thursday I avoided going to jail but now owe Arlington County $762 in fines & court costs bring my grand total for this stupid ticket up to $2562. I really hope when I go to court on Tuesday that I don't have to pay an additional $556 or I'll be seriously pissed. Now as much as I hate stereotypes, I rather would have preferred to be treated as a "black female" then the whole spoiled rich kid. Just because I'm educated, have a "real" job, & can speak english doesn't mean mommy & daddy pay my bills. And yeah, the judge actually did say that, she's like I hope you parents don't pay for you. WTF!?! The only good thing about all this is that NONE of it is on my driver's license. If Virginia wants to say my VA ID is my license (cause all my non license/suspension legal woes) and put any/all traffic violations on said ID instead of my driving record. I don't have a problem with that (as long as I have my New York Driver's license) cause its means I'm in the clear in terms of insurance & points. Under my VA ID I've got -14 points due to 2 speeding tickets & 3 no operator's license convictions. My cousin thinks I should get another copy of my NY DL in case I lose this one again, but this copy is NEVER leaving my car ever ever ever again so I wont have this problem anymore.
I'm working a crazy schedule again, 3 jobs @ about 72 Hours a week on average. My newest job is working as a NOS II {Network Operations Specialist Level 2) for Sprint in Reston, VA, I'm in their Frame Relay Service Center group (yeah I know, people actually still use Frame Relay) and my job is to trouble shoot and test frame circuits. If there is a physical layer problem found I get to pass it on to another division. I have NEVER worked for a more backwards company in my ENTIRE life, and coming from someone who as had 26 different employers since 1995 that's saying a lot. They are DESPERATE for people here on all 3 shifts but they didn't post the availability of the positions until AFTER the people had left. The told all the people in my division about a year ago that they were getting rid of frame relay. They told them they would help them find new jobs & help them update their resumes and stuff. Well come to find out they CAN'T get rid of frame relay cause it going to be too costly and time consuming to migrate all their customers over to IP (actually frame over IP). Too bad, cause they already helped more than 80% of the division move to different sprint divisions (or people left sprint completely) They barely have any veterans left and they are all pissed off cause with all the new people they are forced to do more. I work nights 11pm - 7am and there's supposed to be 7 people on but we only have 4 of which 2 are new. It gets better, the 2 new people get to work alone on the weekends cause there's no one else to work. Aside from their projection staffing issues there's also the problem of finger pointing. All 3 shifts point fingers at one another and the 3 main Frame divisions al fight with each other. Its ridiculous, I have to do all this documentation just to "cover" my back cause people can't be bothered to do their job. All the people I work with do all night long is bitch about how people aren't doing their job and how much Sprint sucks. I'm a contractor and as such I have limited access to training but the guy who was training me and the other newbie is leaving the division next week (and of course they aren't posting his position until he leaves either) So I'm pretty much blind to a lot of the things I'm going and having to teach myself a lot of stuff cause they can't train me until they have a full shift. Which at the rate they are going, isn't going to happen anytime soon.
My other 2 jobs are pretty mundane in comparison. I'm a part-time manager at Hollywood Video (14 hours) 2 days a week and part-time desktop support (18-20 hours) 4 days a week. Its kinda sad, the desktop support pays me more money than working full-time at Sprint. People ask me how I can do it, and in all honestly I am totally at my limit. I had to re-arrange my schedule to have Tuesday nights off (class) and sleep in 2-4 hour stints. I had to get rid of my Korean & French classes for the time being and put off German & Spanish for another time much to the dismay of my friends who speak those languages. Thanks to my court cases no spring trip for me this year & no skiing/snowboarding. Depending on finances (well debt really) I may go down to Argentina this summer to make up for not skiing/snowboarding at all this season. The economy hasn't been doing so hot down there so things are CHEAP for americans plus the idea of going somewhere cold for the summer is rather novel to me.
Still single thankfully, but have been getting the 'oddest offers' (if you can call them that) lately. I had some guy pull up to me in a parking lot at 1:30 am and ask if I could help him put on a condom. I had a 60+ man who was on his break at Safeway ask me in order if I wanted a boyfriend/husband/sugar daddy. My cousin's barbershop owner asked me out while he was doing my hair. He offered to 'take care of me' and put me up in his second home. WTF?! This guy asked for my number at starbucks after being denied a date, I gave it to him anyway cause I never answer my phone. He comes into Hollywood all pissed off cause I never returned any of his calls. I told him I work and when I'm not working most people are sleep. The other day I had a suncoast worker tell me I was his dream girl cause I bought the complete series of Buffy, season 2 of Angel, Battlestar Galactica, and Naussica of the Wind (anime). We got into this conversation about Buffy and the characters & then he asked for my number.
I'm also meeting some interesting people as well. I got targeted by a white south african (tall w/pretty eyes) who had the usual german/british/australian accent so needless to say I signed on to whatever it was he was "selling" which turned out to be the Save the Children campaign. You are now looking a the "proud" sponsor of a little girl at $30 a month for atleast 2 years. Yeah I know sad. I also met a bartender at while at Disney who has got to be the most knowledgeable bartender I've ever met. He also has the distinction of the being the only person I know who's had as many varied & interesting jobs as I have. There's the muralist I met on the movie set this summer who's got the most adorable little boy & is really talented. He can make action figures out of anyone and his sculpture portfolio is just wow. He just got a job as a painter on the set of Evan Almighty (the Bruce Almight sequel) so I maybe able to contract him to do "my" garage in a garden theme as a surprise for my mother. The drunk native american mormon who drunk in a bar talking to me randomly about her life to avoid the "liberalization of america" discussion going on with her husband & his friend. Yeah, that had to have been the most interesting random conversation I've ever had. Had I not had to get to work, I totally would have continued it or at least gotten her info so that we could have continued it at another time. At my 10 year reunion, I met a girl who is probably one of the very few white people at Howard University and he's a teacher. She's british and has a black uncle which totally threw her students off. On my way down to Orlando in December I sat next to a secret service agent and his family. He works the president detail and was telling me about his job & what it entails. I also got pin :-D He says the worst place he has to go is Bush's ranch cause its a MESS a regular shit hole cause its only the Bush's and a few staff who run the place. {Camp David is his favorite place to go) Then there's Border's Cafe boy who has to be the gayest straight boy I have EVER met (which is saying a lot considering my fag-hag/fruit fly status). In all honesty for 2 weeks I thought the guy was gay and then we were talking online and he's telling me about his ex girlfriend issues and I was like what? I thought you were gay, he's like 'yeah I get that a lot'. He's a CS geek interested in Geo-spacial satellite imaging and now works full time for the Sexual Abuse, Rape, Incest hotline (something like that) as their programmer/Tech support department.
Anyhow, ticket system when down an hour ago and still isn't back up, probably won't be back up for another hour or so. Think I'll take advantage of the DL time and read.