Happy 2009 to everyone ^^/

Jan 02, 2009 19:25

Happy 2009 to everyone of my friends! (>W<)
I hope the new year had a good start for you. I had some problems with my left kidney and stomach on Christmas but it eventually improved on New Year's Eve. ^^
I want to get Tsu-chan's postcard T_T But I wonder if it'll come around March or something, given Italian post offices. orz
Tomorrow I'm hoping to send Tsu-chan and Pyon-chan' postcards as well (RIGHT AFTER holydays, better late than nothing as they say huh ww).
Meanwhile, my latest drawing~

Original characters Leroy and Kathy from Sidhe. Sorry for the size.(no, I'm not talking about Leroy's bulkyness)
I wonder WHO inspired me for Leroy' looks... =w=;;;
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