Very Interesting Day.

Dec 15, 2008 22:41

Well, today was a very interesting say the least. I would classify it as a wonderful day actually.

I need to first through this thought out there: God sent me back to Tallahassee for a reason and in particular to the job that I have in the Geek Squad (I am an in-home computer repair guy who drives that Geek Squad bug around for those who do not know). I get to meet all kinds of different people everyday that I work and a lot of them are very affluent people or powerful people that are very high up in their perspective fields. Example: the first call I ever went to was Bobby Bowden's son, Jeff Bowden, who was the offensive coordinator for FSU football team. I have been to the house of a lobbyist, a Leon County school board official (that was last week), and a former U.S. Senator (today). Although the man I am about to talk about is not as affluent as those that I just mentioned, he might have been very instrumental in my future. Like I said before- it was not by accident that I fell into what I do for a living right now.

My first call today was to the former dean of the FSU Film school. Why is this important, you ask? Very recently (as of about a week or two ago), I have been seriously thinking about going back to school, that is. It is so weird that I just happen to have an appointment at this very nice man's house...or maybe it is not. It is starting to look very much like this is fate.

Before the appointment today, I have only told 2 people about my desire to try to get into the Master's Program at FSU's Film school (btw- one of the top 3 film schools in the country)- my brother and a fellow coworker. This coworker on Friday happens to inform me while I am working in the store that a guy who works in the warehouse at the store just graduated from the FSU Film school and that he would be willing to answer some of my questions. First off, I had no idea that we had a guy working in our store that got into the film school, let alone just graduated from it with a Bachelor's (Random fact: the BFA program only accepts 30 applicants total every year). Secondly, I only mentioned the film school thing to the coworker who introduced me to this film school graduate only once as a passive comment at a lunch we had together only a few days before this. So, I picked the new film school graduate's brain for about 20 minutes and he gave me a ton of valuable information. I think it was safe to say even before I had my appointment today that something was going on.

When I arrived at the former Film School Dean's home, he started telling me about how he was a former teacher and dean at FSU. My natural response, out of both politeness and curiousity, was to ask what he had taught and what college he was the dean of. His response: the film school. You can just imagine after what happened in the store only a few days ago and then hearing this how big of a brick I shit. I knew I was at his place at this moment in time for a reason. I quickly explained to him how crazy this circumstance was in that I was currently considering pursuing the Master's Program in at the film school and he agreed. It was not by chance that he happened to be scheduled for some in-home repairs that would take quite a bit of time. I got to know the former dean very well over the next 3 hours. He gave me much advice and was even kind enough to give me some people to contact that would give me the information I need to get into the film school. After I was done with the work, he decided that he was going to buy a new computer and have me set it up after he bought it. He told me that we should set up and appointment to do it sometime before New Year's and to do it in the evening so that I could have dinner there. He also said that he would invite a very important person in the Film School to dinner that night also to talk to me. It was hard to believe this was happening.

It was a crazy and surreal time. Things seemed to go so well and by design. I am now more motivated than ever to make this happen. Now that I have a long term goal again, my outlook on life seems a lot more positive. I have a strange feeling that this is somehow going to work out.

I am rambling now because I just don't know any other way to describe my situation other than to say this: Fate. Hell, I might be wrong and this might all just be a rouse...but until I am proven wrong this will be my new direction and goal in my career life. Now if I could only do the same in my personal life...but I will not go there right now. Things are going too well for me.
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