From my Private Journals/

Jun 01, 2008 13:22

All things are one of two things, memories of inspirations.

Memories tend to be a blocking, negative energy.

Everything is an energy, therefore if it is happening to me, it's happening to all.

Take full responsibility for it all. If it's in my world, it's my responsibility/

Everything has feelings, everything is made up of energy.

The Practice of Cleaning,
Say to the divine( inside yourself)

I Love You
I'm Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You

This process cleans the soul.
"Sun" my water( put it out in the sun to get rays in it, then pour over ice. Works best in a blue bottle of water.

This whole concept is a new thing for me, but I'm excited about it. I have already felt" more well" and "lighter energy."

I foucused the love on myself, the healing of my body, and my Mother.

I was wishing it would rain, i looked up and it was.:-)

The more you give the Universe gives back.

The way to not be broke is to clean out your old programs of money.

It is all about starting back at zero, where there is unlimited possibilities.

Clean, Clean.Clean/

Common Results I've Noticed Since Starting This:

I got a good sleep.
We got most everything we needed for the place, without much head whacking running in circles.
The energy in all rooms feels really positive.
I can truly say I really love myself, and am not afraid of life!
a kitty is visiting my porch.
I noticed more sea turtle plates than ever, as if they are just know calling out to me. Of I am just now noticing.(License plates.)
I have what I need.
I feel peace about who I am.
I can see flawas in doctrine I once believed.
The Cyndi Lauper cd is coming out withing hours.
The Juno shirt I got on mega discount.
i can think clearly and recieve new inspiration.
Clean, Clean, Clean.

That was Monday.

How Cleaning Helped Me Today- last Tuesday/

It helped me be productive at work, and solve problems without stess.
It helped SDean get into a much better mood.
It inspired me to EBay to get that biook.
It helped me get money for the day.
I feel less dependent on my celexa.
I feel optimistic and whole for the present and future.
I feel creative and inspiired.
I notice colors and details more than ever/
I introduced myself to my neighbor Andy(she's a girl btw.)
I babyed my plants/
The New York Rep came in the day Cyndi Lauper's album dropped.
Sean surprised my with the cl cd!!!!!
I was really craving a kit kat bar, and he got one for me without knowing I was about to jump a fence to get one-LOL!
more later, my list could go all day hee hee.

Hugs and Love,
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