I don't know where it came from, but
this just came to my attention.
My favorite part:
"I believe in the radical feminist definition of rape. That is that men who pressure women into sex are rapists. That women who are pressured are not freely consenting and are therefore being raped. There have been a few discussions recently in the rad fem blogosphere debating whether all male initiated sex is rape, given that women are politically, socially and economically subordinate to men. So, in my understanding of Joss Whedon as a rapist is hinges on my definition of rape. I would argue that most 'sex' between men and women, in the contemporary 'sex-positive', pornographic, male-supremacist culture, is rape."
I can't stand women like her. I mean, let's have a little perspective ladies. Seriously.
The part the offends me the most about the "radical feminist" perspective is the implication that women are victims, almost by definition. Men are such an overwhelming force in our lives that we must constantly be on our guard against them. And if, God forbid, a woman actually agrees with something that is "patriarchal" or whatever, then she is obviously a brainwashed victim.
Am I the only one who finds that even more offensive than the occasional male chauvinism? I mean, last I checked I was a grown up, reasonably intelligent human being with a mind of my own. Which means that I am actually capable of saying no to something if I mean it. It also means that I am occasionally open to persuasion. Telling me that I've been raped when I say yes to my boyfriend when he wants sex and I'd rather watch Letterman is not only insanely insensitive to women who might actually have been raped, it suggests that my relationship isn't one between to equals, but rather that there is a power dynamic that by definition leans in my boyfriend's favor (a little like a shopping carriage with a wobbly wheel).
I'm sorry, but I am not a victim. My political, social and economic position notwithstanding, I am not a victim. I am a woman.
You would think that a feminist of all people would be able to muster a little respect for women.