By posting/commenting in LDSFriends, you agree to abide by the following standards :)
1. No profanity, or swearing, or vulgar slang/language, nor the masking of them with * or ~ or - or @ or anything else. Or with acronyms. This includes crude jokes. (Instant delete or rejection of posts if you do. If you use it in a comment you will be warned once, the comment will be deleted. If you do it a second time you will automatically be removed from the community. if you are not a member of the community you will be banned from making further posts/comments.) We would like it if you took it a step further and included this in your personal journals too, since public posts can be seen via the community friends, but your space is your space and having a few swear words there will not limit you in this community.
2. No community advertising... If you wish to promote a community you have created, the proper way to do so is in the
community_promo journal
3. No spam. If it looks and feels like spam, it will be treated like spam and rejected/deleted. If you find something that is uplifting but it is a spam story that gets passed around and such, you many post it in your own journal and reference it in a post in the community but do not post it here directly.
4. No pornography, photos, or pictures posted or personal user icons of questionable material. This includes satantic symbols, or symbols that look offensive. (If you want to join the community and your user icon seems inappropriate, you will be asked to change your default icon before being approved in the community. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to delete it from your account completely, just change it to something decent when posting to the community. If you do post the questionable icon, you will be asked to replace/remove it from the post, if you refuse your posting ability will be affected.)
5. No name calling, flaming, bashing beliefs, judgments or sterotyping individuals, or even other communities. (No one likes to be sterotyped, judged, or attacked.)
6. No posts designed to annoy the community. If you come here specifically to cause contention, sow discord, and unrest, you will be asked to leave and then banned.
7. No anti-church or anti-religious stuff against any religion.
8. No stalking, lurking, or harassing of the community or members. (While we can not stop you from looking at the community, if you have been asked to leave for disrupting the community please be respectful to us and to yourself by discontinuing contact here.) There are MANY other lds communities for you to join, or start your own.
As a courtesy to other members of the community, if you are going to post a long entry, PLEASE use the "LJ-CUT" tag. Overly long posts NOT containing this feature will be rejected and asked to resubmit. Failure to do so MAY result in your ability to post. For information on how to use lj-cut tags, read this
This community is moderated for the time being. All posts will be subject to approval before it is posted to the community. Majority of posts will be approved within 24 hours by a moderator. Any post that is found inappropriate, will be rejected, and sent back to the user with (or without) a reason. Please become familiar with what the standards are here, since it is the standards of the community that set what will be approved or rejected. In terms of harassment, contention, and borderline behavior... moderators will decide what is appropriate and what is not.
Some members have unmoderated posting ability. If you do you will know because when you post it will be instantious. We have it set this way because we have had problems in the past, but active members who make wonderful and consistant contributions to the community are giving unmoderated status. If you join and want to have unmoderated posting ability, then post appropriate things in the community and you will be given that ability in the future. We check out every account that applies for membership. We generally approve everyone. But we have rejected a few based on inappropriate material in their private journals. If you don't have a problem with any of the things we ask that you not bring here, then there shouldn't be any problem joining the community. (If you have questions see the Problems/Contact section below.) Comments to posts are also monitored on a regular basis. Again if you abuse the standards your posting ability will be limited, possibly with the result of being banned from the community.
Any issues, comments, concerns, questions, etc regarding this community should be directed to the following livejournal:
publish_peace Comments and suggestions must ONLY be directed to the above livejournal user. If you ask questions via posts in the community it disrupts the flow of the community. Failure to direct inquiries to publish_peace will result in having your questions and comments go ignored. You may also direct questions to the moderators individually. But only if they choose to have a particular post available in their personal journals for you to comment to.
Lastly keep in mind that not everyone gets along with everyone 100% of the time. We understand that. If you have a particular issue worth addressing, please contact a moderator or comment in publish_peace. If for some reason you feel that someones intentions to the community are to be specifically disruptive, please bring it to the attention of one of the moderators. (In the past we have had mass friending of the members here to other separate journals with the specific goal in mind to harass members. It was brought to our attention by a member before anyone really knew what was going on. So your participation is very appreciated and valued.) Here are some additional tips on coping with problems:
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