Post 014 : Janne Da Arc [ANOTHER STORY] (16)

Dec 07, 2005 20:41

artist: Janne Da Arc
#tracks: 16
#icons: 16
credit: cdg, gender, insomniacx and colorfilter for brushes and filters.


This is the third album of Janne Da Arc, after they went major. Said to be their first 'concept album,' the band attempted to tell a story with their album. The main story remains a puzzle to some, but Yasu (v.) wrote an essay about their work, part 1 and part 2 have been translated. For a first attempt by this band, the album is well put together. With beautiful melodies like "Rainy~愛の調べ, which is the concept melody, Yasu's driving vocals in '霞ゆく空背にして ' and 'Shining ray' and the driving instrumentals as found in 'in the story,' 'ヴァンパイア,' and 'マリアの爪痕,' this album is worth a listen by any audiophile.



01. 『1/5の音箱』(1-5 no otohaku)
Featured: Janne Da Arc
a. 『1/5の音箱』can be translated into "1/5 music box."

02. in the story
Featured: yasu (v.) Janne Da Arc

03. マリアの爪痕 (Maria no tsumeato)
Featured: ka-yu (b.) Janne Da Arc
a. マリアの爪痕 can be translated to be "Maria's nailmarks."

Featured: ka-yu (b.) Janne Da Arc

05. 赤い月 (akai tsuki)
Featured: Janne Da Arc
赤い月 can mean "red moon."

06. 『奪われた知恵』 (ubawareta chie)
shuji (d.) Janne Da Arc.
a. 『奪われた知恵』is a short instrumental transition from song 05 to song 07; it is very interesting.

07. suicide note
yasu (v.) Janne Da Arc.

08. What's up!
Featured: ka-yu (b.) Janne Da Arc

Featured: ka-yu (b.) Janne Da Arc

10. explosion
Janne Da Arc.

11. 霞ゆく空背にして (kasumiyuku sora senishite)
yasu (v.) Janne Da Arc.
霞ゆく空背にして can be interpreted to mean "turning one's back on the misty sky."

12. ヴァンパイア (vampire)
you (g.) Janne Da Arc.

13. 『少女と氷の女王』 (Otome To Koori No Joou)
yasu (v.) Janne Da Arc.
a. 『少女と氷の女王』 is the last movement of the concept album. It carries the same melody and consists of a young girl and a woman singing the melody.

14. rasen
you (g.) Janne Da Arc.

15. Rainy~愛の調べ~ (Rainy~ ai no shirabe)
Featured: ka-yu (b.) Janne Da Arc
a. Rainy~愛の調べ~ can be interpreted to mean "Rainy~ inspection of love."

16. Shining ray
featured: Yasu (v.) and Shuji (d.) Janne Da Arc

janne da arc

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