An example of something that I don't want to be woken up by

Jun 01, 2009 10:42

Last night I was having lovely dreams about what it would be like to own a yarn store. It was great and I was having a fantastic time until I woke up drastically with the realization that something was crawling on my face. My face people! It was a spider. So I freaked out. I knocked it off my face and then turned on the light to locate it. My husband ushered it outside by putting it in a jar and it was all done.
But it didn't feel done.
I spent a long time getting back to sleep because what if there are more bugs just waiting for me to fall asleep and then jump on my face? Why does our house have an unusual number of spiders? We have to move a spider outside about twice a week. That seems high to me.
Not only that, but it seems like we have a variety of spider species in our house. The one last night was small and brown and had a big bulbous body. We see small black ones a lot with long legs, and occasionally a large black one with white stripes that eyeballs us menacingly until the cats bat it into a ball.
And I wouldn't mind it so much, if they didn't invade my bed, my private and most vulnerable space.
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