Feb 25, 2009 13:26
I miss playing with Barbies. Or at least, I miss that feeling I used to get playing with Barbies, where I would get lost in my world and then end up getting bored, and realize that hours had passed. I remember that the majority of playing with Barbies was prep work. We had locate the little hamburgers that went in her McDonald's or we'd have to get the hotel set up or locate both of Barbie's two remaining shoes or mix up the casting material. I can't imagine that very much of the playing was actually play.
I also remember that my Mom had gotten me a big box of Barbie clothes that included little nighties and I used to dress them on her vintage Ken doll. He was so much more skinny than the modern Ken. And sometimes Barbie was too busty for the nighties, and it didn't sit right with me to dress them on Skipper. I hated Skipper. So they went on vintage Ken, but since they were nighties, Ken ended up sleeping a lot in my barbie senarios, or his interactions took place at night. Like he was sleepwalking in his nightie and got hit by the Barbie corvette. Sometimes the Barbie dog would alert Barbie to the situation, much like Lassie. I remember one time that an injured vintage Ken died on the basement stairs before modern overly-muscular Ken and Doctor Barbie could get to him.
My barbie's lives were never very tame. They didn't just have an outing. No. Instead they would have a birth and death, and someone would end up in a cast, most of the time a full body cast because it would start as a leg cast, and then I would get overzealous. There was an elevator in one of the barbie houses we had that was controlled with a small pulley system. Many barbie deaths were caused by that elevator. Frequently the cause was that the victim forgot to look where they were were going and ended up falling down the shaft. Occasionally they would be crushed by the elevator.
I do remember that my barbies ate very well, and had a variety of fake foods to choose from. But special occasions called for a barbie wedding cake, which consisted of ritz crackers layered with honey. A little messy, but not a bad recipe, and it was completely edible.