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Jul 14, 2010 20:08

            So Monster entertains the sprinkles out of me. He doesn't talk in coherent sentences but he sings things he thinks we should know. Except all his songs sound really similar so Dr. Horrible sounds amazingly like Where the Wild Things Are but oh does he get excited when Bohemian Rhapsody comes on. He is very good at making people understand what he wants whether it is "go" (he puts on his shoes~ has yet to do it on the right feet) "food" (chomping his mouth) "drink" (sucks through his teeth) and loads other things. He loves to see what other people are doing and very much wants to help, whether it is make dinner or rewire something. He has his own log in on ernies computer because he likes to delete and move things that are relatively important otherwise. He is doing so well and I am just so proud of him. He loves to color and move furniture and drink coffee milk. He loves to put on clothes that are too huge for him(usually on his head) and loves nail polish which we keep to his feet only because I think he's liable to lick it off if it were on his fingers. I don't ask him if he wants it, but he will point to the polish on the shelf and stick out his foot. No harm, no?
             Cookie is getting so big so fast I can not believe it at the end of this month that is flying by my little boy will be 6 months old. He can roll over both onto his front and back and can see quite a ways now. He can blow raspberries, but usually only if looking at gramma.  He loves playing on the floor and pushing himself across the floor. Its not crawling its kinda pushing himself with his face. He is very strong, loves standing in the walker and the Johnny Jump-Up.
            THey are both getting better with the attention that Monster wants to shower on Cookie Monster is gentler and Cookie will now kick him away. Monster no longer bites him and only kisses him gently now. Although occasionally he gives him his bottle a little too forcefully.
Considering how crazy the houses have been this week getting ready for the big move push, both boys have been so good with the boxes and stress and craziness. I am excited that next week Morgan will be (temporarily) getting his own room. and (permanently) no longer having to share a room with us. Cookie will be staying in our room until Monster gets a toddler bed and Cookie takes over his crib. (right now he is in a bassinet or in bed with us) cause nursing in the middle of the night is easier lying down.
             I am sleeping for shit at night these days. Which makes the days long but exhausting. The house has been too hot to cook during the day, but the times when Ernie and I work out a meal together yields some really yummy successes. I have friends who have been inspiring me to cook and create in the kitchen too. This weekend I will be making a first birthday cake for K's son and I am hugely excited to be talking to another friend about making her wedding cake in a few years when I am more comfortable in my skills. There are some products that we longer buy from the grocery store like barbeque sauce and enchilada sauce because they are better quality from scratch, I have an ongoing list of things I want to make, the 2 right now that come to mind is french onion soup and mayonnaise. I would love to become a Chef. I love the idea of creating sustenance and art in one fowl swoop. anyway..... before I can be Chef, I am Mommy which is fine by me.
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