Nov 05, 2003 22:04
Will someone out there please do me a favor and shoot me in the head? I thought October sucked, November is going to drive me straight over the edge and onto the sharp pointy rocks below at the rate it's going. Yes i realize it's only the fourth but this has been the most fucked up week imaginable. I'll find out tomorrow if my math professor is accusing me of cheating but i can't imagine her saying anything else to me other than that. Stupid bitch. Thanks for reminding me how much i fucking hate math.
I started work today and this by far takes the cake of the worst fucking job imaginable. Imagine sitting for 4 hours in a little cubicle calling alumni and asking them for money. FUCKING BLOWS!! I WANT TO KILL MYSELF!! I'm not planning on staying. Unfortunately i have to give them two weeks notice. So i'm stuck there for another two weeks. Please someone kill me. I'm telling them Saturday I'm done. Four people i called were dead. Now that's great. The poor family has just buried their family member and i call asking for money. How fucked up? Ugh, i just want to crawl into a corner and die.
All i want is to be alone. Just to find a quiet corner of the world and live in it by myself with no one to bother me and no one to interupt me. I haven't ever been alone since i've gotten here. That's what i miss the most about home. The ability to be by myself whenever i needed to be. The ability to get in my car and drive to somewhere where i could be by myself. My head is just really fucked up right now and i need to be somewhere where i can figure everything out rather than have 20 different people telling me what they think of what's wrong and how i should fix it. I kind of just want to cease to be for a while. Just disappear. That would be great. Unfortunately i'm not that lucky. I'm just so tired of everything sucking. Sad as this sounds i want to go back home for a while because at least there i know what to expect. The bullshit never changes there. I'm still trying to figure out which mental disease the shit here most resembles. I think i'm going to go with schizophrenia and multiple personalities. I'm done. I can't think about this anymore so until later, take care.