Mar 28, 2004 20:35
today was good..this is how my weekend went.
Friday,i did nothign at all..i was sick and stayed home all freakin night.
Sat,Went to philips<3,i love his animals and his mom:). Philips lazy and would not let us take his puppy on a walk!
Sunday, hung out with the girlfriend"maggie" and mama G, went to the mall got pants YAY!and some stuff to so my hair. Then we went back to her house where her mama fixed my pants and we were going to go up to LA for evans show but the gayhead could not go LAME so we had girl talk and i did my nails"blue is the best nail color"...we ate a lot of food and sat arownd the good old tv. then MIss maggie drove me home"what a big girl"
and here i am.....washing my cloths.....whaoo fun?
rainbow is a really cracked out rat.but i still love her.
and i miss justin...we need to hang out this weekend its been to freaking long boy.