NEW SHOES! haha wow lame

Mar 10, 2004 11:36

Well this moving thing is hard.I moved into a beautiful house haha with people i love to death and i dont know i just missed people spo much,my dad freaked out when i moved and called the cops yesterday adn said i ran away hahahaha so i had to come back and now my aunt is having to go to court to get me ahhhhh so much drama ,so i got home and cryed for so long with my sister aad just talked about where we are goign to live"because at the time we reallly have no where to live and its gay'. and then marissas mama came and got me "i looked lkike hell" and we all talked about everyhyting and i cryed and what now. Then me and marissa came home got high and went shopping....ahahahha it was a lot of fun we got so many shoes,i got some hot one .Then we got home and tryed and tryed to get ahlod of eddie but no good and then travis cam over and we all hug out drank some wine,or shoiuld i say marissa drank some wine baby girl was drunk hahaha and i just talked to philip on the phone cuz well.....yea marissa and travis just talk to mucha dn im never in the conco hahaha.

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