Oct 31, 2004 21:54
you tell me it is no big deal
you tell me it is only a dumb reason to go out and drink like a fish and be a slut
you tell me it is dumb to celebrate it
you tell me your going out
you ....
this world is full of hypocrites.. if you are not one.. only cuz you lie to yourself to feel better.. but this world is also filled with so much beauty that is wasted... wasted in a bottle... wasted in a bag... wasted in time... time that can heal anything.. time that can rip lives apart as it pass... unspoken words... the kind that are said the most.. with the most feeling.. and easily misinterpreted... when nothing is said and everything is assumed... i was not mad... i was not grumpy... i was just being normal... but my mind was not there... minds that hold so many memories... memories that stick to you like bubble gum to your shoe... sometimes good times and a laugh.. sometimes a nightmare you can't shake or escape... changed over time for better or worse and always dependant on the sole... soul of the holder... music that shrieks silently in a distance... a small part of proof that there is better times to come... better times that others have and you can only wish to be part of... as you are drowned slowly in what you think is oh so bad... but as you look back... you see what it was really like... how dumb things were done and how good or bad it really was... but regret is the second most dangerous thing to do... only following thinking... thinking of everything that could go as right as wrong... thinking as you lie in bed... thinking as you sit in class... thinking as you stare at a bottle of pills... thinking as you stare a picture... knowing nothing but it.... but sometimes it is all you can do.... look from the outside in... in to the inside-out world we live in....
fuck this...
the end.