Update and stuff

Jun 02, 2009 19:55

Wow, I have been out of touch for a whole week. Must fix that!

Not because of writing you know, because that would be too much like right. No, I have been lazy. The heat is on in the Mid South, up in the 90s already. I cannot bear the heat and it sends me to get a nap every day after work.

I have had a REALLY busy schedule on the radio show too, and that will continue. LOTS of great guests coming up. You can find out info here IW page .

I have been too thrilled to have so many fabulous authors and books on my show. I am thinking a little of taking August and September off though, as I have some vacation time planned and I think I need some writing time.

I am getting some great authors to use my Book Madness blog for their book tour stops too, and you can read them here Book Madness

On a side note, A Will to Love will be out on June 11, 2009, just a little over two weeks away and I sure hope if you are looking for a romantic novelette to pick up, you will get this one! You can get it at Red Rose Publishing here

And I guess that about finishes all my good news. Everything else is booooring. Hope you are well.

news, books, weather, schedule

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