What's up?

Oct 31, 2007 20:12

I am unfortunately.

I got all the pics from the play posted on the gallery at Smugmug, and today for the first time in a LOOONG time I had the urge to write. Not just aimlessly and with no point in mind either, this time I really wanted Shannon and Dwayne to experience something. Like ... sushi. Yeah, I know, how overdone is that? but you gotta know S and D to understand. D will eat ANYTHING, but S is a little more discerning. She would try it if D said she should, but heck, would she like it? Probably not the first time.

So anyway... I have bursitis again, in my right shoulder this time, and Lord God, if anyone knows any remedies short of suicide, PLEASE let me know. I am dying!!
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