Sep 13, 2004 20:21
This weekend was cool, Friday went and saw Res. Evil 2, which was an awesome ass movie!!! Saturday worked and then Kira and I went out to dinner at Double T... mmmm... And then stopped by Jon and Becca's to see Becca and Ross. I was all sorts of hyper and stuff but it got some laughs and put some smiles on faces and that be all that matter. Sunday was unpredicitibly fun...
I went to Church with the Family and then Santo and I went to the Redskin's Season opener vs Tampa Bay. Skins won! crowd went nuts, as did Santo and I, it was a good time with the old guy. Then it was Unforgiven at the Fees with alot of ppl coming by. My stomach was hurting at the end of the night though, which gave way to me getting sick this morning and having to stop by the doctors in Cambridge this afternoon. I missed SGA meeting again and I had a horrible headache thoughout work tonight. Now i gtg study. Yippee!!!