A new group has been made by
nimori and
snapetoy to replace After Class. The new group is located
here. Please do not make any comments to this post regarding the name of the new group. If you were a member of After Class, please join the new group!
I'm taking the opportunity to pimp
Snapesmut, the Yahoo ML I mod, along with
amandasaitou and
nicolle_snape. All Snape slash pairings are welcome!
As for the hoax regarding the deletion of lurkers accounts, what's really happening is that Yahoo decided to delete the long time bouncing accounts.
Bouncing Member Clean Up
If you've noticed a change in the total number of members in your
group, don't fret; we're cleaning up long time bouncing members.
In the first phase of this clean up we're removing just
email-only group members whose email addresses have been bouncing
for more than a year.
In the next phase of the clean up we'll focus on web-access
members whose emails have been bouncing for more than a year. If
you have members that fit this description encourage them to
update their membership with a valid email address.
*** Additional Clarification ***
Because there seems to be some confusion, I wanted to clarify
that during the first phase of this clean up, we are just
removing email-only members whose emails have been bouncing for
more than a year (which means these members wouldn't have seen a
message for over a year). If a member is reading emails online
within the group, they are web-access members and won't be
affected in this first phase. The problem we're facing is that
the sheer number of long time bouncers is causing a drag on the
system, which is why we are doing this.
For those of you who have web-access members with bouncing email
addresses please help us to actively reach out to these users and
encourage them to select a valid email address.
I hope this helps to address the majority of your concerns.
Jami Heldt
Groups Community Manager
So, if your email is not bouncing, you don't have to worry.