Friday a few of us went down to see Skindred at the corp It was a fantastic gig! They had Idiom and profane supporting them. We only caught about 3 songs of profane, but what we heard was very nice. It was kinda old school hardcore mixed with more melodic experimental stuff with some nice clean vocal segments mixed with a really good harsh scream. In places they kinda reminded me of Sikth. I would definitely have liked to see a little more of them. If you're going to the Manchester Ministry gig you'll get to see them as they will be supporting. Having had a quick listen on
myspace, I think i'll be buying their album anyway, as they have some great tracks!
Second on, Idiom were just as impressive. They were certainly a ittle more fun though.
These were the kind of band you would expect to be supporting Skindred really. Really good nu-metal esque songs and structures with a really good rappy vocal style mixed in with almost incubus like melodic vocals and harsher high screams... Sometimes it made me think of ratm but more metal and without so much of the funk! The vocalist was great too, he got the crowd going, instigated a bounce and was quite funny too which is always good.
Skindred however were F'ing awesome! I still can't believe I havn't seen them before. The big room in the corp by this time was heaving and pretty much, as far as I could tell, full. We ended up by the end of their set pushed up against where the mixing desk is and there were people stood around and behind that too. There wasn't a single downpoint to the set at all. Benji is without a doubt the most amazing frontman to ever have existed. Highlight tracks were "trouble" (that started with a really good intro about Benji seeing some little guy (when he was getting a kebab) beating down on some big guy that had started with him...He told this story in a nice little reggae vocal too) "nobody" (he got the vocalist from idiom on stage at this point to do some of teh vocals which was awesome) "roots rock riot" , "destroy the dancefloor" and "set it off"! All the tracks were fantastic and sounded huge!
Benji is lots of fun to watch too, it's great fun when they start a track and he decides the crowd aren't doing enough so he stops it to get them going a little more and then gets back on track when theres a little more noise from them! The crowd went pretty much mental all the way through. Their drummer is something special too, hearing the live dub and breaks mixed with heavy as fuck metal and punk beats is just beautifull. I think it was "cause ah riot" that they did an extended intro for using the intro from "panic at the disco-i write sinds not tragedies" instead! Which was just woah! The night even ended with a solo esque key bashing, followed by a hit of the demo button on a very broken old casio keyboard from Benji! It was fun, heavy, dirty and just brilliant. I didn't get any pics unfortunately, I got a few from the club afterwards which i'll upload later if they are any good(along with saturday night ones-hahah)