ETA: I guess I'll open some of my old posts on here, so at least it won't be completely blank! Hopefully someday I'll get back into writing again. Hope you're all doing well. :)
I got early birthday money from my parents a couple weeks ago. Then I got a notice from Amazon that Richard Bach had a new book out, called Hypnotizing Maria. I finally gave up and ordered it Sunday. It arrived today. My sinusitus is really bad, so I thought I'd just read a few pages, to get some idea of it. That quickly turned into 50 pages, sinus problems forgotten, as Richard once again took me on the start of a joyous journey.
I've thought so often that someday he'll write something which disappoints me or leaves me thinking "well, it's OK, but it's not as good as ..." After 30-some years, I'm about to change my mind. *g*
How appropriate and timely that one of his metaphors this time is building walls around yourself. He never ceases to amaze me.
Of interest to abuse survivors; I was really tired when I wrote this, and forgot to include a really touching review of this book.
Inspired by Richard Bach - Author of Hypnotizing Maria << Diana Page Jordan | Book Reviews and Inspiration There's also an interview with Richard, which can be downloaded.
Open Book With Diana Page Jordan : PDX.FM The "coincidences" abound sometimes. :)