all bruised up

Feb 15, 2022 13:53

      I am lumpier than usual & a variety of purple hues.

I have discovered new ways of falling on the ice. There is always the old-fashioned way, of course - walk on ice & slip & fall. Now I wear cleats, and walking is somewhat safer, so long as I stay on the ice where they can bite in for traction. Other surfaces are sometimes more slippery - smooth concrete, like a garage floor, and some types of tile. Though, cleats can also chew up certain types of tile, somewhat less the danger to personal safety but could incur costly repairs. Wood floors are a solid NO.
      One surprising hazard I had not anticipated, but discovered out on a dog-walk - running through slush, I hit a patch of submerged solid ice that hadn't dissolved like the rest & tripped over that, because the claws drag a bit below where the soles of my feet usually are. So I almost ate roadway, that night. My hot breath blew ice crystals from between the aggregate, and I was wettened down my front with slush.


embarrassing situations, mnisota

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