Want to get omicron and just get it over with? - That's a bad idea!
The Fallacy of "Mild" Omicron Omicron v. Delta February I was, for a little while, just too burned out to read anything more about Covid. I read all the news, all the prelimiary findings, all the recommendations... and I was the only one? It seemed like no one else cared any. I knew too much about what was happening, and no one was listening to anything I had to say. Fucking awesome.
I can only take care of myself.
I can't make anyone else do anything - take any precautions of any sort. All I can do is wear my mask, wipe down the frequently-touched surfaces, and plead with my co-workers to please stop being idiots, a little bit, please. It is exhausting. The family is almost as bad, but I do care a bit more for their health and will patiently try to explain even though they are also not listening.
For a while... taking care of my self meant tuning out the news.
But I'm back at it, again and ...it's a grim story we're reading, nowadays.
The advertising algorithms are fairly certain I am a molecular biologist, running a gene therapy laboratory, and while I'm NOT - the ads dredge up more reading material, so we're running with it.
We're the Idiots Now Health and Wellness as HR Responsibility Amabie - a dormant yokai called to fight Cov-19
Virture Signalling Might Not Be All Bad d i s t r a c t i o n s
Finding Camellia 참아주세요, 대공 by Jin Soye
This one hits a few raw nerves... The stolen child. Pretending to be what I'm not. Wishing to be loved for who I am. "Hurts so good" masochism, in total.
The Goblin Market - Okay YES even my distractions revolve around Cov-19...
"The CDC says you can look at Goblin men and you can buy their fruits.
Don’t worry about the soil or their hungry thirsty roots."
Addison Peacock The Stolen Child /