Oct 25, 2013 10:36
The morning temperatures have been below freezing every day this week, including today. Excluding this sunny, clear morning, there have also been flurries of snowflakes falling - along with the frost-shocked leaves. I do feel the cold, but I do not mind it too bad. I have not acclimated to the season change, yet.
Feeling... somewhat lost.
I need a haircut. Cut away the burrs of autumn...
Another weekend, this one with somewhat less time for yardwork. Good thing I worked myself ragged at it last weekend, yey. One night this week, maybe Tuesday? raked the front yard. More leaves will fall, and blow, and I will have to rake it all over again in a few days. There will be fewer to take, however, as already I have hauled away three-hundred gallons of leaves (if leaves can be measured as a liquid volume? sometimes they flow). The hauling would have been easier with a tarp, but oh well.
the depressions,