Confused once again

May 11, 2012 23:13

OK, so here's the dilemma:

As I mentioned before, I am being headhunted. After no action for several years, over the last six months I have been hit again and again by headhunters. I have not been searching for work, but they have been finding me on LinkedIn.

The problem is that I love my current employer. For a law firm they are shocking. They treat their employees with an amazing amount of respect (as long as you are not an idiot, and even some of them do very well). For six years I have had remarkably regular hours (another shocker for law), no weekend work, and the ability to schedule my vacation time as I choose. My stress level is usually fairly low, other than certain spike seasons.

Their flaw? The pay. I haven't had a raise above 3% in four years, which means that my pay has not kept up with inflation very well. My bonuses are rather pathetic. But I have been able to enjoy a pretty good lifestyle at this firm.

I went on two interviews at a new firm last week, and today I got called in for two more next week. I know the firm (having had them as a client in the past), I know the woman I would be working for. I know the environment. And I know that it won't even resemble what I enjoy now. The hours will be longer, stress much higher, work demands crazier. I will go from one assistant to managing a direct staff of 13, with another 12 assigned to me based on projects. In other words, this is going to be life changing (should they make and I accept an offer).

Why would I do this then? Two things: Money, and Growth. The money is potentially very lucrative. Also, can I really see myself sitting at the desk I operate now in 10 years? It's a bit of a dead end. Is this all I can do? So I face a potential conundrum should I get an offer.

I am deeply torn and stressing over this.

The hubby is opposed to me taking this job due to my mental health issues. He will only allow me to take it if the post-tax-withholding take-home cash is a very significant increase over what I make now, and even then he is unhappy with the idea.

Ambivalence, table of one!

hubby, family, work

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