The Bear Week that Wasn't

Jul 20, 2011 15:18

I'm back, folks! I finally feel well enough to commit to posting here.

Let's just say, my long anticipated vacation for Bear Week in Provincetown was generally a Bear Bust.

I spent the first half of Bear Week ragingly ill and having a swollen, infected foot and truly astonishing pain in nearly every joint in my body, as well as fever and blistering headache. The medical center couldn't say what was wrong with me, but put me on antibiotics that prevented me from going in the sun.


By the later part of the week the foot was good enough and the joint pain had gone from "Oh my god, shoot me" to "Hey, it only feels like a pick-ax in the joint, awesome!" So then I was able to be out and about more, but honestly, I was hardly myself.

I still managed to see a number of you who were there, but there were a few of you I never got to see. When out on the streets at night I searched the crowd for any familiar faces, but my eyesight at night is not good at all, so hopefully I didn't walk by any of you without seeing you. It is entirely possible.

It turns out, according to my doctor here in NYC yesterday, that to all appearances I got a bite by a fairly unpleasant sort of spider on my foot at some point a few days before heading on vacation. This bite swelled up, turned my foot black and infected, but then caused my immune system to go on an utter rampage where it attacked my own body. The immune system is still doing this to me now, but they have put me on steroids to try and get it under control. Once it has calmed down enough it may stay calm, or such is the hope. Today is actually the first day I have spent without fairly debilitating pain in almost two weeks.

And folks, I'll not kid you. I have never been so sick in my entire life. I'm a pretty healthy guy physically, not even prone to fevers at any time. But good gawd, I really was at the end of my rope. I was freaking hubby out too, as I would go into periods of uncontrollable shivering and other awful visible symptoms.

But improvement is on me, and I am thankful for that.

There were some pretty bears about, but they hardly got a rise out of me.

So, now I'm back at work, and horribly, horribly depressed (this is likely the result of the incredible stew of medicines I have been on since this started). I will bounce back, though, and have booked a trip down to Virginia in August that has given me something to look forward to (which I desperately need right now).

Honestly, I'm just crushed at how this turned out. My first vacation of the year and it was simply destroyed.

Still, life goes on. And it is still summer. So hope springs eternal!

provincetown, sick, cape cod

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