I don't have the warm fuzzies for the small and furry

Jun 21, 2010 12:43

My yard is like a Disney film on steroids.

Yesterday morning as I had my cup of coffee on the porch I could watch chipmunks dashing around the flower garden and patio. Bunnies grazed across the lawn and then leapt into the air and ran around. A mother woodchuck and her two babies were chasing each other around the property, running within ten feet of me like miniature grizzly bears. Yes, it all looks sweet and charming.

Yet, I wanted to haul out my bazooka and lay them all waste.

Despite new fencing, and despite no unequivocal evidence of further invasions of my vegetable garden, I distrust them all. I want to let the cats out on them and watch the carnage with joy. I had to replant half that garden in the hot sun yesterday, after nibbly little teeth had their way with it two weeks ago. Any new carnage and there will be hand grenades and napalm used on the lot of them.

Disney can go to heck.

My tomatoes are coming along beautifully, and the potatoes are growing vigorously. But if they eat my cauliflower and beans and beets again things will turn very dark for them.

The heat and sunshine of yesterday was heaven to me. Up in the Hudson Valley it doesn't tend to get quite as stifling as it does in the city, so what we had was lovely. Driving around in the car with all the windows open made it hard to believe that this same landscape, a mere six months from now, will be locked in ice and misery. Most of the time the beauty of late spring through early fall seems to make up for that, but in the depths of winter it can be hard to see. Then the thoughts of moving somewhere warmer become quite strong. Unfortunately, warmer places tend to be either 1) brown most of the year, or 2) green, fetid swampland most of the year. This does not appeal. The lushness of a northeastern summer outranks the beauty of anyplace else I have been. It's just that thing called February that ruins it.

But for now, at least, I can enjoy what I've got and feel comfortable. Remind me of this come winter. I'm sure I'll need an attitude adjustment then!

Happy Monday.

garden, country

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