Tuesday terrors and troubling times!

Oct 28, 2009 12:02

Last night was a night of violent and anxious dreams, one following another. I woke up here and there during the night and would find myself smiling at how strangely reactive the brain can be. The last week or so I have spent much of the night clenching my jaws or grinding my teeth and the recently root-canaled and capped tooth has been hurting me as a result. If I drug myself up I can sleep the night without this and my mouth feels much better the next day, but I can't do that every night without completely disrupting the normal sleep cycle.

There are so many factors causing stress right now that it is fully understandable why my nights are so disturbed, but there is something perversely wrong with Tuesdays of late. As I have mentioned before, I decided to give my brain a workout and take a writing class on Tuesday nights (which runs from 7:00 - 10:00 every Tuesday). The hubby's job has a meltdown, on schedule, every Tuesday, so I get frantic text messages from him just as I am heading in to the class. This lets me fester and stew with worry through the entire class until I get home to find out what happened this time. But then my own job has developed a Tuesday hiccup as well.

The universe is conspiring against me.

Still, good things happen on Tuesdays too. My first submission of work to the class for commentary received a brutal amount of criticism but was roundly loved conceptually and in character development, with agreement that all wanted to see what the next chapters would bring. That wasn't bad for a man who doesn't write fiction often. I went through the grilling first, and the other two who were up last night received similar to slightly worse.

It added more stress to Tuesday, but was a good thing overall.

And I kind of want my protagonist. He unintentionally ended up rather hot.

It would be nice if I could sit down and make a novel out of him, even if no one ever read it but me. Maybe I need to do that, as a form of recreation, a little "me time" where I close myself up in my room and just leave the rest of the world behind.

Oh, and on an unrelated note, I think I have found a new home for my parents' cat, Charlie. He could be moving on as early as November 8th. This will be good for the peace of the household even though it is sad for me. It sounds like a good place for him to be.

Here's to surviving the rest of the week - we are off to Provincetown for the weekend, as Halloween is our wedding anniversary. Let's hope the weather holds out!

provincetown, cape cod, cats, dreams, work

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