
Mar 31, 2009 12:56

You've all gotten very shy. Or you've all gotten very discreet. I don't know which it is, but I really don't like it. One of the things I used to love about LJ was the way I could, in the middle of a tedious work day, turn to you and learn something new. Some of you in particular regularly engaged in activities that I had not previously imagined, and I always felt rather like Margaret Meade in Samoa (ie. as an anthropologist of unusual relations, shall we say). Now, it is like a convention of the Christian Coalition in here (but without the twisted sex with hookers and hustlers). Everything is so wholesome and politically correct, it almost makes me want to wretch. COME ON, PEOPLE, SOME OF YOU MUST BE MISBEHAVING.

Sometimes I feel there is a lot of "winding down" going on. It must be a function of age. There is less and less of a sense of adventure among the people I know - as we get older, I think we have a bit of "been there, done that, now I just want to eat Haagen Dazs and watch TV." I know that this is all I am up for most evenings (without the ice cream, of course - fat boys don't get ice cream). So, it is sort of refreshing that my friend Scot is dragging me out for a cigar night at the Eagle tonight (yes, twice in a week, WTF?). Scot, at age 50, discovered his inner S&M side, and has been on a voyage of discovery that leaves me in a state of awe. I don't want to go anywhere near most of the places he has been, but it is fascinating to watch from my perspective. I am sure that tonight I will learn all sorts of things I didn't know before. I like that. It keeps the brain expanding.

Of course, kink and sex are not what it is all about. I find that even intellectual and artistic pursuits are more a matter of "people doing the same things over and over" rather than being innovative or really expanding into new areas. It gets harder. You have less tolerance for half-assed ill thought out nonsense, and so much of what you come across fits that bill. Therefore, there is less of an urge to try new things. I keep sniffing around for something new, but have been finding even bookstores a bit disappointing lately. It is only in the huge warehouse-style used bookshops that I seem to have any luck, because there is so much to choose from and at $5 a book I am willing to be more risky.

Spring is here, and I need to respond to it. Time to shake the dust off my boots and do something new. But what?

Time is ticking by.

brains!, friends

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