Please, please stop breaking your toys!

Mar 16, 2007 11:19

I really disturb myself sometimes (I know, big shock, eh?). I guess that is an inevitable side effect of being insane, but it does get tiresome after a while. While your average Joe goes to sleep at night with a clear conscience in anticipation of a peaceful night's sleep, I go to bed wondering what House of Horrors abomination will fill my mind this evening. For those who grew up in the NY area and are over 30, you may remember Channel 9's "Creature Feature" series of horror films on Saturday nights. For me, most nights are an episode of Creature Feature.

My sleep was broken at 4:00 this morning by four legged furry hell demons (cats), but I was able to get back to sleep by about 5:00; and that is when the bizarre dream from Satan started.

On a side note, don't you find it completely hysterical that the majority of Americans believe that Satan is a real being? I nearly piss my pants every time I think of that.

You see, in the dream, my best friend Chuck had become a serial killer. He developed a bad habit of killing his tricks (or, "breaking his toys" as the dream would have it). It took me quite a while to catch on to who was responsible for this increasing bodycount in my vicinity, but when I did he was rather proud of his actions. Then he stared morphing into a sort of vampire/ghoul, and laughed as he did so.

This dream had four distinct chapters and took place over several days.

I awoke exhausted.

Of course, the first thing I did this morning on getting to work was to tell Chuck all about it. He is now suitably disturbed, so I have shared the joy.

I've said it before, and no doubt will say it again - I would pay a high price to experience what being "normal" is like. Can any of you norms out there give me a clue?

On another disturbing note, our temporary receptionist just passed through my office dropping off a FedEx; she must have bathed in Cocoa Butter this morning, and my entire office now stinks of it. Cocoa Butter in my mind is a very 1970's thing, and is also associated with a type of frottage involving women's breasts. That is distressing enough, but the receptionist is about 21 years old, so even though I am gay I feel like some ancient old pervert.

Let's face it kids - there just isn't anything acceptable about me.

No wonder the fundies want to hunt down homos and put us in camps. It is people like me they are horrified by!



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