Aug 19, 2005 02:47
Well i am finally back home. Not quite 3 weeks but just about. And what else is new but i cant really sleep. so here i am updating the oh so wonderful livejournal.
I do have good news. No i didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico BUT i did find my music theory packet that i've been worrying and fretting about for weeks now. Of all classes to lose something with, i was lucky enough to have it only be my ap one. *sarcasm* but i found it after about 30 minutes of looking and i did a jig.
I have a new cell phone ring that i really like.
Now about my vacation. Ummm it was fun. I was lucky enoug hto witness my cousin and her break up (her boyfriend broke up with her which just makes it worse) and then i spent a week with her and her few friends. All teenage girls. Which i can sum up in just one word. HELL. it was really bad at times they got so annoying and girly and ugh but i had my baby cousin claire to keep me occupied and bring out my immaturity.
The week spent at the condo was amazing as usual. A couple days we had a speed boat and i went tubing and am still a little soar in my shoulderes and arms from hanging on for dear life. I realized that boats, are awesome. Just going for a boat ride on the lake kicks ass. Oh and i realized that the lake i was on, Canandaguia Lake, is the second most expensive state to live on real estate wise in the country. There are houses literally worth millions on that lake and they look like friggen hotels. Really really really nice rich and expensive hotels.
Hmmm...not much else to say really. Twas fun overall. Really glad to be back.