this is shit, i know, but it's just a working idea so far - being lonelier with him than without.

Apr 16, 2008 12:26

Martha was never alone while travelling with the Doctor, apart from when she was asleep. Ironically, when she was sleeping was the only time she wasn't lonely. Lost in dreams of pinstripe suits and beautiful brown eyes that looked at her with a gleam that was never there upon waking.

It was almost a hard decision, leaving the Doctor, but not quite. When she thinks back to the first few months she spent during the Year That Wasn't she remembers how she longed to for all of it to be over, for her and the Doctor to disappear into space and time once more. It was all she thought about, all she dreamed about. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks to months, she began to change. She was standing on her own two feet and loving it. Her days were still filled with action and adventure, but without the Doctor the aching, burning emptiness was gone. Her dreams were no longer the best part of her day.

So when she told the Doctor she wasn't going to travel with him anymore, it was almost difficult. She wouldn't see the sights she used to, meet the people she used to, do the things she used to. But she couldn't go back. All those things seem hollow when she looks at the Doctor, because so does she. She never felt more lonely than when she was with him, and the Doctor would agree that that's no way to live.

don't forget about this, fic, doctor who, mine

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