Stardate Wednesday. Well, the repairs lasted about one solar day before giving out. After doing my primal scream exercises for about an hour (my therapist is right, they're very relaxing), I did some research. After hacking into a few dozen computer systems, I discovered the truth about my supposed "membership" in the AAA. Turns out Starfleet Espionage got me the "no frills, no pay" plan. Apparently, this level includes triptychs, maps and access to very, very crappy starship mechanics. Well, you get what you pay for, I bastards...
Thankfully, I conked out in an inhabited system. Ok, so it was a pre-Warp civilization, but there was a Feddie base on the third moon that I managed to limp to. While I waited for the competent-but-slow engineer to finish tweaking the matter-antimatter capaciwhatevers (I don't know and I don't need to know, I just fly the damn thing), I wound up listening to interminable lectures from--er, I mean, having fascinating conversations about the indigenous peoples of the system with the station commander. The only interesting thing that happened there in the back of beyond was a subspace report that seems to have been accidentally diverted (ok, ok, I kinda played with the communications equipment--hey, I was bored and coded frequencies are almost always interesting) to the receiver on my ship. Seems there was some kind of scuffle a dozen or so sectors over. Ferengi and Orions, at it again. Would have been just as boring as everything else, except the report was filed by the first officer of the
uss_murgatroid. Starfleet general doesn't like to have much to do with that ship, but it's a source of endless interest and amusement to those of us in Espionage. Gotta admit, I almost decided to chuck the mission and go see what they're up to. But alas, duty calls...
So. I should be getting to
starbase668 within the next few hours. Only a total of 6 or so days later than I would have gotten here if the idiots in Starfleet drydock mechanics had fixed the Marlowe right the first time. So much for time to lay groundwork--looks like I'll have to accelerate things a bit. More later, Jones out. Way out.